HomeSubjectsEnvironmentIntegrated water management – revised lists of surface and groundwater pollutants.

Integrated water management – revised lists of surface and groundwater pollutants.

Integrated water management – revised lists of surface and groundwater pollutants.

  • The purpose of this initiative is to achieve The Zero Pollution Ambition. There is nothing in life that does not require water, so it is absolutely vital that the water we use and drink be sanitary and dirt-free.
  • The United Nations estimated that around 10% of the world’s population do not have access to clean water. 14 billion pounds of plastics are dumped into the oceans each year.
  • Human activity adds 1.2 trillion gallons of untreated wastewater
  • into the water supply each year. 80% of wastewater contaminates groundwater after treatment.

Problems this initiative aims to tackle:

  • Lack of updated knowledge concerning new pollutants.
  • Marine life is strongly affected by pollutants found on water surfaces; death of aquatic life will cause disruption in food chains.
  • Large number of cases of soil and water contamination.
  • Pesticides and nitrates are a serious threat to groundwater.
  • Fertilizers can sometimes cause a thick layer of algae to grow on the surface which blocks sunlight from the vegetation in the deeper parts of the ocean and lakes.
  • Many diseases can spread through water contamination.
  • The Water FC concluded that, in relation to chemical pollution, the legislation focuses on some less relevant older pollutants while not sufficiently addressing a number of pollutants of emerging concern, such as pharmaceuticals, plastics and Perfluoroalkyl chemicals (PFAS).


  • MHR supports and endorses this initiative to revise the Water Framework Directive.
  • MHR suggests allowing civil society organizations to lend a helping hand to both the European Commission and European countries, so that they both work hand-in-hand to minimize water pollution in groundwaters and surfaces.
  • MHR strongly suggests that we increase awareness regarding water pollution and how deeply it affects anything and everything related to life.
  • MHR suggests that governments need to implement more strict regulations regarding preventing water pollution with serious consequences if these regulations get overlooked.
  • These lists of pollutants should be reviewed thoroughly and regularly (consider new discoveries and developments in science research).
  • Pharmaceuticals are also one of the main factors contributing to water pollution whether they get dumped or leaked from factories.
  • New information on some of the substances has come to light since the last reviews of the lists, prompting consideration of those substances and/or their standards or designation as hazardous, and that information must also be acted upon to ensure that the lists are up to date.
  • Do not dump waste into oceans and rivers.
Source● MHR


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