17 – 21 July 2023
XVII, Palais des Nations
The sixteenth session of the Expert Mechanism will take place from 17 to 21 July 2023 in- person only.
Accreditation request for this session
Provisional agenda
- Annotated provisional agenda
- Provisional Programme of Work (English | Français | Русский | Español)
Interpretation will be provided in the six UN languages for each meeting.
Captioning and international sign language will be available at all public meetings.
- Concept Note – Item 5 – Interactive dialogue with members of the Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development
- Concept Note – Item 7 – International Decade on Indigenous Languages
- Concept Note – Item 8 – Panel Discussion on fishing practices
- Concept Note – Item 8 – Panel on LGBTQIA+ Indigenous Peoples
- Concept Note – Item 11 -Enhancing the participation of Indigenous Peoples
- Study on the impact of militarisation on the rights of Indigenous Peoples
- Efforts to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: establishing effective monitoring mechanisms at the national and regional levels for the implementation of the Declaration
Side events
Side events will be in-person only. Allocated time will be 75 or 90 minutes.
To propose a side event please contact the Expert Mechanism at ohchr-expertmechanism@un.orgwith the following information:
Interpretation languages:
Concept note if any or background information of the Side event:
The deadline for submitting requests is Friday, 30 June 2023.
- Suggested topics are to be in line with the aim and purpose of the United Nations.
- Please ensure gender balance and regional balance, where appropriate.
- Joint organisation of Side events is encouraged.
Interpretation services in English, Spanish, French and Russian will be made available by Docip to cover the official side events of the session. All requests for interpretation must be made by completing this form provided in this link Capacity is limited, and we encourage you to make your request(s) as soon as possible.