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International Human Rights Day

Midline for Human Rights and Development – MHR
Geneva, Switzerland

International Human Rights Day

Every year on December 10th, the world celebrates Human Rights Day to commemorate one of the most pioneering global commitments: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This historic document enshrines the inalienable rights that every individual is entitled to, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, language, political opinion, or other status, national or social origin, property, birth, or any other characteristic.

  • The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration in Paris on December 10, 1948, which for the first time outlined the fundamental human rights that should be universally protected.
  • Midline for Human Rights and Development joins the world in celebrating this important global occasion and emphasizes the need to promote a culture of human rights, safeguard them, and work towards further progress and prosperity for the entire world. This includes supporting the United Nations in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Furthermore, it calls for empowering individuals and local communities to build a better tomorrow. By embracing and trusting in the full power of human rights as the path to the world we aspire to, we succeed in creating more peaceful, equitable, and sustainable societies.

On this occasion, Midline for Human Rights and Development recommends that all efforts be unified towards further advancing the protection of human rights.

Geneva – Tuesday, December 10, 2024

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